Food safety in the warehouse

The storage of products in the warehouse is not limited to the receipt of goods, there are a number of rules and regulations for their storage. In this post, we will focus our attention on food products, and more specifically, what conditions need to be ensured in order for the stored food to be safe.

Storage and transportation of goods

The elements on which food is stored, that is, various types of shelves or racks should be smooth. They must not contain any nicks, as small nooks and crannies are prone to the accumulation of dust and dirt. It is definitely forbidden to keep such products on the floor. It is important to properly protect food, which should be stored in boxes or containers. Internal transportation of food products in the warehouse is another element to pay attention to. In our warehouses, we use forklifts equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which not only eliminate harmful exhaust fumes, but are also suitable for transport in refrigerated warehouses, where the temperature is below 0 degrees. On the other hand, the loading surface of the means of transport onto which the goods will go must be disinfected, clean and free of foreign bodies.

Order in the warehouse

When a company decides to store food products in a warehouse, maintaining order and cleanliness is essential. Every employee is required to follow hygiene rules. Whenever entering the warehouse, employees must wash their hands thoroughly, and it is necessary to use protective gloves and head and chin caps when handling food….

Food safety in the warehouse

Temperature and humidity in the warehouse

Depending on the type of products, goods can be stored in refrigerated or unrefrigerated warehouses. The choice of the type of room depends on the type of goods. Products with a longer shelf life can be stored in non-refrigerated warehouses, while products that are prone to a faster spoilage process necessarily require a refrigerated room.

The right temperature, humidity and even light affect the taste, smell and texture of products. The value of the various parameters in which goods should be stored depends on the product being stored and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Technologicalsupport of the warehouse

Helping logistics companies that receive products that require the right temperature and humidity are systems and sensors that must have a calibration certificate and be regularly calibrated. Thanks to the aforementioned sensors, it is possible to closely control the parameters throughout the entire period of product storage. Ongoing analysis of danger points, or CCPs – critical control points, allows for the identification of the occurrence of deviations from the norm and a quick response.

At LCL Logistic, the WMS system used makes it easier to apply the FEFO (First Expired – First Out) principle – “first in, first out”. Using this principle, we avoid situations where products whose expiration date has passed will remain in the warehouse and then go for disposal. The use of the aforementioned elements allows us to ensure food safety, and thus maintain the high quality of products that will then reach the store shelves and ultimately the consumer.


In conclusion, logistics companies must meet a number of requirements to keep food products in stock. Of course, this is as understandable as possible, since such products, in case of even slight negligence, can pose a threat to health and, in special cases, even life. In companies that specialize in storing food products, a food and safety team, or HACCP team, is set up to not only take care of the goods entrusted to them, but also to make sure that HACCP/ISO22000 standards, the certification of which is required to be able to store food – are met.